Transformations & Testimonials

He’s an athlete himself so to get others ready while getting yourself ready is not an easy task yet he’s never let that get in the way of taking care of his clients. One thing I would encourage is for him to keep learning and growing and using the things he learns and keep implementing those teachings to his clients. He didn’t just change my physique, he changed my mindset. Showed me that if there’s something I want then I have to be willing to do whatever it takes. I take that mentality with me in everything I do. Thank you coach!"

(1-1) y al igual que me régimen alimenticio, con su asesoría en mis entrenamientos ' me ayudó a modificar y aprender nuevos ejercicios, técnicas, que a lo largo de estos años nunca me había sentido tan cómodo con un entrenador.en general estoy muy agradecido con cojack por todos sus conocimientos que a lo largo de estos 3 años me ha trasmitido, por su motivación, por su amistad.
Esto es un proceso no un suceso y seguimos con todo con team Mannymal hasta conseguir mis metas y objetivos que tengo, tanto físicos como personales, emocionales y lo menciono por que desde que decidí cambiar mi estilo de vida sano, me ha cambiado mi vida en todos los aspectos para bien !!!
- Efrain Gomez @gomez.efrain (Lifestyle Client)

I have been training with Manny for almost about 2 years now & have experienced all kinds of plans: prep , off season & now lifestyle. Each one of these phases has pushed me physically , mentally & emotionally. Not only have I gained so much knowledge throughout these phases but I’ve also gained so much confidence within myself in & outside of the gym. It wasn’t an easy process , you will experience ups and downs, but the great thing about this journey is that you have a coach who will rock by your side throughout the whole experience. Throughout my time of being under Manny’s training , I’ve won my first bodybuilding show , I’ve bulked & gained about 5lbs of muscle within a 7 month time frame , competed a second time & now focusing on letting my body rest and prepare for starting a family. There’s no other trainer/ coach / nutritionist I could think of who would pour his heart and soul into his clients and make sure they achieve their goals just as much as Manny would. Thank you Manny for helping me accomplish my goals , becoming more confident within myself & overall being there through the thick and thin. Rocking with you for life! "
- Alexis Bergara - @oh_leex (Wellness Athlete & Lifestyle)

Grateful I found him- his services have exceeded my expectations."

Estoy bastante satisfecha con los resultados y de tener a Manny como coach, siempre atento y respondiendo mis dudas de una manera amable y con mucha disponibilidad. Las instrucciones de los check in, suplementos, alimentación etc está muy bien explicada.
Como punto final: asegúrate de no hacer preguntas obvias, tontas, que ya había explicado o vienen descritas en tu plan. Siempre double check las instrucciones"

"By far one of the best coaches out there. And I know that sounds cliché but in all honesty he really is. If you’re looking for someone who’s going to kiss your ass and tell you everything you want to hear he’s not the one for you. But if you want someone who’s going to tell you what you need to hear he’s the one. He actually cares about his clients and wants the best for them but also won’t waste your time or his time and he will tell you straight out. I’m in by far the best shape I have ever been in my life. I’ve been training with Manny for 18 weeks and can say I’m extremely grateful for him. Without his meal plans and work out plans I’d still be the same unhealthy person I was before contacting Team Mannymal"
-Isaac Flores - @isaac_h_f (Lifestyle Client)
“Trabajar con Manny ha sido la mejor decision que pude tomar, en un inicio solo queria llegar a ser mi mejor version siendo lifestyle y a los pocos meses quise incursionar en el bodybuilding lo que hoy ha llegado a ser mi pasion, Manny ha sido mi mentor del cual he aprendido muchisimo no solo en alimentacion y entrenamiento si no de la vida en general, la manera en la que explica cada una de mis dudas desde la raíz y siempre ha estado al pendiente de cada detalle, algo que le admiro es que pone la salud primero que todo lo cual me hace sentir segura bajo su guia y confio 100% en su trabajo.
- Michelle Ortiz - (Lifestyle Client - Wellness Athlete)
"Without Coach Manny who knows where I would be today, Coach Manny has made this experience very pleasant, I’ve work many coaches before but I have never worked with a coach this long. Coach Manny is very attentive, knowledgeable, motivating, hands down best coach I’ve ever had. Meal plans are super easy to understand he gives you all the instructions/tools that you need to succeed, as a lifestyle client I was very surprised with all the food options, Especially because I was seeing results every week, nutrition is tricky but Coach Manny knows how my body works and he dialed my macros down to the letter. I wanna thank you for everything you do Coach"
- Adrian Cruz - @adrianmcruz_ (Lifestyle - Men's Physique Athlete)
"You’ve been a great coach. I KNOW for a fact that I wouldn’t have made as much progress as I have if it wasn’t for you. People ask me how long I’ve been working out and they didn’t believe that this April was my first year. I’ve met people dieting for YEARS and they struggle with what they eat. The dieting is really the key and I know everyone says it but they all say it for a good reason. Thank you so much for everything! "
- Crystal Brunn - @bamf_eilen (Lifestyle Client)

I joined TeamManny 1 year ago looking for a new coach to start my second show of bodybuilding my first experience with my past coach it wasn’t the best and it wasn’t what I needed I was looking for a coach who can teach me and guide to reach my goal, that’s when I met manny I start his program in middle of June of 2022 since the beginning he was really honest and straight about the program and the way he coaches.
My experience on prep with manny it was the best, the meal plan, the check ins, the workouts the communication and the support it’s on point. As an athlete going through prep is like a roller coaster and you have to make sure you have a really strong and support team on your side in the good days and bad days manny-coach was always there answering my stupid questions about the meal plan, workout, my body or if my cheat meal “can have some cheese” .
Prep is not easy but manny-coach make it in away easier for me mentally and physically he also put me through hell testing my discipline in does low days and my body in those hard workouts and for that I’m forever grateful for my coach for believing in me and making me strong mentally and physically.
One time a bodybuilder friend told me after my first show after having this bad experience with my past coach he said “You need to have a good relationship with your coach, you have to believe in him and trust him 100% all the time” now I can say that I find and I have the best coach for me.
Currently with my coach-manny bulking season getting ready for my next show he got me as a bikini girl and he’s going to turn me in a wellness girl.
You change my life for sure coach I haven’t been this happy in a long time, grateful for having you in my life and one day I will make you proud"
- Alondra Sagastegui - @alealondra (Bikini Athlete)
"I've been with Team Mannymal for about 4 years now. Manny's knowledge in nutirtion, training, and overall health make me feel like I'm in good hands and I know I'm not the only client of his to feel this way. We have done three bodybuilding shows together so far and I've come in looking better than before every time. He's fully aware of my goals as a competitor and he understands them as a competitor himself. I know that giving him my all will result in receiving his all. I look back at where I started and I can definitely say that I did not imagine myself getting to where I'm at now in this time span. I knew right away that I made the right decision to join this team and I have yet to say anything negative about the overall experience. The excitement for what is to come is at an all time high"
- Alejandro Acosta - @tx.poon.tappa (Classic Physique Athlete)
“I was referred to Manny through a friend of mine who told me if I wanted to get serious about my nutrition and my overall fitness to hit him up. From my initial conversation with Manny about my interests in doing my first bodybuilding show, he kept it real and was completely honest. I was overweight and he told me I’d have to work my ass off like I never have before and do everything he said down to the T, no excuses. I put 100% faith in Manny and the plans he had for me and he took me on as a client. Week by week I saw steady progress by eating my meals, finishing all my cardio, and having Manny push me in workouts farther than I’ve ever pushed myself. Manny tailors your workout and meal plans specifically for you and what foods react best with your body. He even goes as far as checking on your current mental health, life stressors, adequate sleep, up to blood work if needed. He wants every client of his to be successful and if you put in the effort with him he’ll do the same with you. At the end of my 17 week prep I had lost a total of 54lbs. No gear, all natural. Nothing but dedication, hard work, and trusting Manny’s coaching methods. Im excited to continue with him and prep for my next show. I highly recommend Manny as a coach for lifestyle or show prep if you’re really serious about making a change in your life. Amazing coach and an awesome guy!”
- Mark Macias @markmacias1 (Life style & Men's Physique)
l'met Manny on a very crucial moment of my life where I was very tired, always thought about a fitness lifestyle to find my balance... however, after more than a year through his guide I've challenged myself to move forward and jump into the stage.
Manny is very strict, demanding and selective coach, I couldn't agree more this is the key to succeed….. through these months I've been able to experience a detailed guide, always feeling my plan is very custom to my goals, needs and progress along the process. His method is very dynamic, challenging and focused, but I've always had fun through the entire journey, I have no week were I haven't seen any progress, I can tell this is the best version of my body and mind I have ever been able to accomplish. Many is always on-time, very responsive and creative when it comes to meal plans. I truly encourage all of you reading through this message to join this team, you can only have benefits... if you want to see a real change, be committed and don't miss any instruction... thank you coach Manny for being part of my transformation.
- Jerry Gamez @jejerryg (Men's Physique Athlete)
As a former athlete for many years, I thought I knew was expected in body building. I was intentional of whom I was going to start my bodybuilding journey with. Despite education and experience I needed EQ to take me to my next level me. A friend of mine recommended Cojack, so I decided to reach out. Our first initial conversation was what sealed it for me. He made it clear how difficult the journey would be (raw and truth). His reputation, education, and personal experience is what I needed to create my vision for my first competition in body building. In the beginning we bumped heads.
Thought I knew better at times, thought I could squeeze in a meal that was off from my daily menu. Once Manny laid down the bar "prove me wrong" was what made me click and straighten out to earn his trust. Tough love is what Manny is known for and what I appreciate. He will place his trust in you when you place your trust in him. If you don't trust the process or reluctant to his protocols then he is not the coach for you. In confidence his EQ can easily read your flaws to apply proper pressure to help mold you to your vision and goal. Face yourself or tap out. Best investment I've made this year.
- Julia Schrum @juliashrum_ (Bikini Athlete)
I've been working with Manny a little more than a year now and when I first started off, it was as a lifestyle client, I wanted to show him that I can follow a simple diet.
I knew that Manny wasn't a sugar coating type of coach and does not tolerate bs. He will tell you what you need to hear but that's what I wanted. I wanted someone that can be straight up with me.
Someone that will push me. He is very very knowledgeable and knows what he's doing. If you follow the plan the results will speak for themselves. I learned that Manny does not care about getting paid, He genuinely cares about the results and progress you get and that's what I admire about him. I learned that if you give him 100% he will give you 10000% back. To me Manny isn't just a coach. He someone I can talk to if I ever have any problems "life, work, financial issues" anything. I always tell people that getting with Manny, hiring him as a coach has been the best things I could have done for myself. Thank you Coach I am forever grateful and appreciative.
- Chris Velasco @cchrisvee (Classic Physique Athlete)
I've been with Team Mannymal for about two years, and my life has changed drastically. Let me start from the beginning to give you a better understanding of what I mean by "drastically." My whole life, I've been obese or overweight, always trying to lose weight but never actually losing any. In fact, I often gained more. I powerlifted for about four vears before joining team Mannymal. Like many powerlifters, I lifted heavy and ate a lot-anything I wanted, really. I was the stereotypical powerlifter: donuts as a pre-workout meal and constantly struggling to make weight for meets.
I shared my difficulties with a close friend, explaining how hard it was to make weight and how I wanted to improve my physique. He recommended I reach out to his coach, Manny, but warned me that Manny was strict and wouldn't tolerate wasted time if I wasn't serious about making a change. I decided to reach out, and Manny successfully guided me through my powerlifting prep. He made sure I easily made weight without sacrificing any of my strength.
After winning first place, I decided to pursue bodybuilding and shared my thoughts with Manny. He warned me that bodybuilding and powerlifting were very different sports, but he agreed to help me step on stage. We completed a successful clean bulk, followed by a prep for my first bodybuilding wellness show, where I weighed in at 134 lbs. After competing in wellness, I told Manny I wanted to move to the figure division. He said, " can get you there, but we're going to have to grow." Now here we are, bulking again and growing in preparation for a future competition.
In conclusion, Manny is the type of coach who doesn't sugarcoat things. He has high expectations of his athletes but gives you 1000%. I can't emphasize enough how much I trust Manny. Seeing the scale go up is scary, especially for someone like me, who has always tried to lose weight. But now we're doing it with a purpose-building muscle. And let me tell you, my body composition is completely different. It takes time, patience, and trust in your coach.
I thank Manny for changing my life in so many ways--not only physically but also mentally. If you're serious about making a change, trust Manny, follow the plan, and it will be the best decision you've ever made.
- Leslie Rodriguez @lessrdz_ (Powerlifter - Wellness - Figure Athlete)
So I have been working with manny for almost 3 years now as a lifestyle client and it's been a great experience for me.I found Manny through a mutual friend and I'm grateful for that happening. The journey for me has been a rollercoaster and wouldn't change a thing! From my personal experience just because of my stubborn body type it was hard to gain good weight and keep it on my whole life so when I started with Manny we still struggled a bit to find what worked for me. We tried and tried and finally found something that worked for me and I can't thank him enough for sticking with me and continuing to work with me to get me on the track that I wanted, like that's real and that's hard to find these days.
Ever since that it's been really good throughout the years with bulks and cuts liking the way I was looking and the strength I gained in the gym. I've learned a lot from Manny from eating and lifting, simple things that I did not know could make a huge difference! I love the way Manny keeps it real with you and never sugar coats anything, it keeps you on the grind and in the mentality of how you can always improve and be better. I would one day want to compete but right now lifestyle is a good fit for me and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to make a change or even help with there gym journey. Thank you Manny!
- Alex Tejeda @alex_tejeda17 (Lifestyle Client)
"Tuve una trayectoria de años entrenando con el coach cojack en el team mannymal sinceramente fue una experiencia increible vi transformar tanto mi cuerpo como mi vida y mi mentalidad convirtiendome en fisicoculturista siempre la mejor de las atenciones y cuidados que fueran necesarios para mi preparación. Un coach muy profesional mas que cualquiera que conozco muy responsable siempre con mis dietas y entrenamientos. En lo largo de estos años tuve muchisimos aprendizaies de los cuales tenia completamente otro panorama corregimos muchas tecnicas de entrenamiento asi como suplementacion y dietas, todo el proceso fue muy profesional estudios de sangre y todo lo que se me recetaba era con bases y fundamentos lo cual para mi siempre fue algo muy significante aprender a comer pesando cada plato de comida con cantidades exactas y descubrir todo el potencial que tengo y poder explotarlo al 100% no puedo haber pedido un mejor coach me quedo con aprendizajes, experiencias y mejoras"
- Angel Flores @el.enyol (Mens Physique Athlete)
"Gracias al coaching de Manny, logré alcanzar objetivos que parecían inalcanzables. En solo dos años, me convertí en multicampeón en torneos en USA, campeón nacional y campeón panamericano.
Además, he logrado reducir mi porcentaje de grasa y aumentar mi masa muscular, siempre con una guía clara y muy exigente. Su enfoque, motivación constante y dedicación fueron esenciales para alcanzar este nivel de éxito. La claridad en su orientación y su compromiso inquebrantable realmente me ayudaron a desarrollar el enfoque y la disciplina necesarios para estos logros.
Recomiendo a Manny a cualquiera que busque superar sus propios límites"
- Carlos Herrera @charlybr09 (Lifestyle Client - Basketball Player)
"I just wanted to say how grateful I am for your coaching. It was challenging at times, but that only helped me grow. I learned to ask more questions and push myself. Your availability and deep knowledge made a huge difference; you really helped expand my understanding and discipline. You guided me to explore aspects of my potential that I never thought I had. I appreciate your honesty and understanding throughout this journey. Your coaching has been a game changer for me, and I genuinely appreciate all the support you've provided.
As Maya Angelou said: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. You've made a positive impact on my journey, and I'm grateful for that."
- Christian Cazares @bigbs_redsoxx (Lifestyle Client - Boxer)
"Hoy quiero agradecer a mi coach Manny por que gracias a el y toda su ayuda hoy me siento completamente una nueva persona. Manny fue recomendado por un amigo y decidí iniciar una etapa en la cual my salud y físico serian mi enfoque. Manny es un persona en la cual puedes confiar en cualquier momento, cada duda que he tenido en este proceso me ha podido dar una respuesta. Me siento muy contento de hoy poder disfrutar de la energía q tengo y no sentirme mal por mi físico.
Cuando le dije cual era mi meta Manny de inmediato inició a trabajar en mi plan y con una dieta real nada extravagante y una rutina de ejercicios hoy puedo decir q es posible y q lograre mi meta. Varias veces en el pasado intente esto por mi propia cuanta y la motivación es una gran herramienta pero cuando la constancia es necesaria es ahy donde esta lo dificil. Mi proceso no ha sido nada fácil, he tenido altas y bajas . Quiero agregar q la dedicación de Manny es admirable , jamás tiro la toalla conmigo y juntos logramos encontrar la raiz de mis complicaciones q no me permitían avanzar en mi proceso. Manny no hay palabras para describir lo feliz y contento q estoy, gracias por todo lo q has hecho por mi y por ayudarme a lograr lo q en tantos anos no pude, y por ensenarme la importancia de la constancia y la buena alimentación."
- Jose Luis Mandujano @jkid34 (Lifestyle Client)
"Hace más de dos años, le pedí ayuda a Manny para mejorar mi vida. Le dije que necesitaba hacer un cambio radical y mejorar no sólo mi estado físico, sino también mental. El estrés del trabajo, la edad, etc. Todo va afectando y pensé que tal vez el ejercicio podía ser una buena opción para salir adelante.
Semana tras semana, por 139 semanas, Manny me ha estado guiando para cumplir con los objetivos que me comprometí a lograr cuando empezamos a trabajar juntos.
A pesar de que aún sigo trabajando duro para seguir mejorando cada día, puedo decir con mucho orgullo que superé los objetivos que me propuse en un inicio. Y jamás lo hubiera logrado sin la ayuda, la orientación, y los regaños de Manny durante todo este tiempo. Porque eso es lo más importante y la razón por la cual Manny y sus clientes tenemos éxito, él enseña con paciencia, claridad y con detalle, pero si ve que no estás comprometido, inmediatamente te lo hace saber. Con Manny trabajas o trabajas, no hay de otra.
Estoy muy agradecido con mi coach por todo el apoyo y la orientación que he recibido durante todo este tiempo, pero sobre todo, por los regaños y llamadas de atención que me ayudaron a mantenerme enfocado en la meta y seguir buscando mejorar."
- Diego Aguilera (Lifestyle Client)
"I have worked with manny for a little over two years and it has nothing short of amazing. For my life I have struggled with weight gain and couldn't never get the hang of it. I would loose weight then add more back on. So I decided to see what options I had . While scrolling, I found manny's page and decided to reach out. Since then it has been great . Manny has been able to guide me in the right direction and help me with all my weight needs.
Manny takes his time out to really understand my goals and apply his knowledge so I can achieve them. Now with in those two years I've had some down falls but manny has always been there to help get me on track and back to where I wanna be. To me manny isn't just a coach, he puts his everything in this and will dam sure call you out when you're not doing the right thing. Adding manny as my coach has truly been one of the best decisions I have made to get my body goals accomplished"
- Casey Gibson @kc_dc5 (Lifestyle Client)
"Coach has been realistic with my goals since day 1. He tailored my diet around my health conditions and preferences. He has kept me accountable and I am grateful for the positive changes in my body and overall health. I highly recommend him to anyone who has struggled to reach their goals and needs direction. Coach is very professional and knowledgeable. If you put in the work, the results will speak for themselves"
- Elizabeth Talavera @rocioelena (Lifestyle Client)